Women for Faith & Family Purposes

To assist orthodox Catholic women in their effort to provide witness to their faith, both to their families and to the world.

To aid women in their efforts to deepen their understanding of the Catholic Faith.

To aid faithful Catholic women in their desire for fellowship with others who share their faith and commitment.

To serve as a channel through which questions from Catholic women seeking guidance or information can be directed.
Highlights from the Archives
We have a new website! But you can still access our old site at:
May, Month of Mary - Marian Page
May 1st - St. Joseph the Worker
May 2nd - St. Athanasius
May 3rd - St. Phillip and James
May 5th (or May 8th) - The Ascension of the Lord
May 6th - First Friday Devotions
May 7th - Saturday Devotions
May 8th - Mothers' Day
May 10th - St. Damien Joseph de Veuster of Moloka'i or St. John of Avila
May 12th - Sts. Nereus & Achilleus
May 13th - Our Lady of Fatima
May 14th - St. Matthias
May 15th - Pentecost Sunday
May 18th - St. Pope John I
May 20th - St. Bernardine of Siena
May 21st - Saint Christopher Magallanes and companions or Saturday Devotions
May 22nd - The Most Trinity Sunday
May 25th - St Bede or St. Gregory VII or St. May Magdalene de Pazzi
May 26th - St. Philip Neri
May 27th - St. Augustine of Canterbury
May 28th - Saturday Devotions
May 29th - Corpus Christi, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
May 31st - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary